There is a huge variety of birds in lebanon as lebanon is considered a resting place for many species to settle while they migrate from europe africa or asia.
135 species of birds have been observed off the lebanese coast while at the palm island reserve over 300 have been seen.
many species of birds make their nesting homes on the islands which include the mistle thrush tern broadbilled sandpiper osprey and many types of finch.
other migratory places for birds are the bekka valley which is a extremely important place for millions of birds to rest before they migrate such types include storks which are known to pass through every April. Storks, Hoopoes, Red rumped swallows, buzzards, golden eagles and kestrels mainly pass through this region of lebanon.

Hunting and pollution is a major problem for lebanon's wildlife but fortunately due to conservation efforts species such as wolves wild boar ibexes and gazelles have returned but they remain an endangered species.These creatures have been sighted in the chouf region along with Porcupines, wild cats and Badgers.
with the palm island reserve marine life has increased for such species such as the sea turtle enabling them to nest and settle on the island recently.
Lebanons most famous species of plant is the cedar tree that can now only be sighted in a few mountain top regions such as bcharr'e and Barouk in the chouf mountains.
Unfortunately the cedar tree has become extinct in most places due to deforestation forcing the government to prohibit anyone from cutting down any cedar trees.
Lebanon is considered the most popular country to have a diverse range of plants and trees out of all of the middleast.
Pine incuding Aleppo pine,together with juniper, oak, beech and cypress have grown on the mountains.
wild flowers including the indigenous Lebanon violet grow on the hills and mountains in Lebanon in spring.
National parks and reserves
The Chouf Cedar Reserve
Lebanons largest nature reserve which covers 50,000 hectares 5% of the country's whole region.
The reserve is considered the ever 1996 as the most productive and managed reserve in all of the country.
types of plants and endangered species are found at this reserve.
The reserve contains resting places for migratory birds.
Horsh Ehden Forest Nature Reserve
The reserve is located 35km from Tripoli and 100km Beirut in the northern stretch of mt Lebanon 3km from the summer resort of Ehden.
it provides a habitat for indigenous trees and plants as well as for rare birds and butterflies and lebanon's ancient forests
Palm Island Reserve
the following areas incorporated are the palm island sanani island and Ramkine island the reserve lies 5 km off the coastal city of Tripoli.
It is a place for marine wildlife such as sea turtles and mediterranean monk seals as well as birds.
Aamiq Marsh
Another reserve that supports wildlife
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